History of United Fellowship Full Gospel Baptist Church

Our history begins in 1930 with the establishment of Divine Providence Church. Parishioners worshiped at Divine Providence church building located at 2401 Annette Street in New Orleans until Hurricane Katrina destroyed the building and left our congregation without a place to worship.
Led by Bishop Triplett, in 2006, the Divine Providence congregation were given a home by Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr. with Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church–Westbank, a branch of one of three churches that were founded in 1997.
For many years, Bishop Triplett and Bishop Morton worked together by holding separate services on Sunday Mornings and by holding join bible studies. In 2009, the hearts of both Bishops called them to unite the congregations they founded the United Fellowship Full Gospel Baptist Church.
God began speaking to Bishop Triplett to reopen the original Annette Street Church. His heart broke knowing that the congregation’s absence left a void in the 7th Ward. There were many people needing the services of the Church. God led Bishop Triplett to incorporate the “debt free” initiative, which asked people of God to give their time, talents, and treasures to rebuild the Eastbank Church. In 2011, United Fellowship Full Gospel Baptist Church was able to move into their rebuilt sanctuary debt-free.
In 2021, after many years of service to his community and his Church, Bishop Triplett passed the leadership of the Church onto Pastor Brandon Boutin who is poised to lead the Church and the community of the 7th Ward into the future.